Batok Limited:
Pioneering Sustainable Energy Solutions

Founded in the vibrant city of Hong Kong, Batok Limited has swiftly ascended to the forefront of the renewable energy sector. Our journey began with a clear mission—to harness the power of innovative technologies and sustainable practices to meet the world's growing energy needs. Today, Batok Limited stands as a beacon of progress, expertise, and reliability in providing comprehensive renewable energy solutions, Engineering, Planning, and Controlling (EPC) services, and specialized finance solutions in the form of power purchasing agreements.

Our Mission

At the heart of Batok Limited lies a steadfast commitment to revolutionizing the energy landscape. We strive to empower communities, businesses, and governments worldwide by developing and managing sustainable energy projects that not only meet but exceed the demands of the present without compromising the needs of future generations. Our mission is to make renewable energy accessible, affordable, and adaptable across the globe, ensuring a greener, more sustainable future for all.

Our Core Values

  • Innovation: Continuously exploring new technologies and methodologies to enhance energy efficiency and sustainability.
  • Integrity: Conducting our business with the highest ethical standards, transparency, and responsibility.
  • Excellence: Striving for excellence in every project we undertake, ensuring quality, reliability, and impact.
  • Collaboration: Working closely with clients, communities, and partners to tailor solutions that meet their unique needs and goals.
  • Sustainability: Committing to environmental stewardship and social responsibility in all our operations and initiatives.

Our Vision

Batok Limited envisions a world where renewable energy is the cornerstone of global energy consumption. Our vision extends beyond the mere provision of services; we aim to be at the helm of innovation, driving advancements in energy technologies and project management methodologies. We are dedicated to pioneering solutions that facilitate the seamless integration of renewable energy sources, from solar and wind to hydro and beyond, into existing infrastructures, thereby accelerating the transition towards a sustainable energy economy.

A Legacy of Excellence

With a portfolio that spans diverse geographies and market sectors, Batok Limited has successfully executed numerous high-impact projects, demonstrating our unparalleled expertise in the field. Our team of seasoned professionals, equipped with cutting-edge knowledge and tools, is dedicated to delivering excellence at every project phase, from planning and engineering to financing and control.


As we look to the future, Batok Limited is excited to continue leading the charge in renewable energy and EPC services. We are constantly expanding our capabilities, exploring new markets, and fostering partnerships to create energy solutions that are not only sustainable but also innovative and inclusive. Join us on our journey towards a brighter, cleaner, and more sustainable future.